Important Notice: I am taking a break from the Animal Communication work for awhile. I’ve been doing this work professionally since 2014 and it’s time to step back and reflect. Time and energies are moving and changing quickly. I will post a notice when it’s time to return to work. In the meantime, be extra compassionate to your animal companions. You are the center of their world.
Schedule a private session via phone or video
Email sessions are available for established clients
Animal Communication Services (a complete list below)
Animal Communication FAQs
Animal Communication Testimonials
Animal Resources such as free audios and videos
This is what I have learned: Animals are sentient beings here to be our companions and teachers. Animal communication gives you the insight to what they are thinking and feeling. When we understand what they want to say, we set the stage for harmony in the home. Where everyone gets along! Imagine that.
I use my intuition, something we all have, to telepathically communicate with animals throughout the world. Telepathy is a language we all are born with. Humans have forgotten how to speak this way but animals use it all the time with us and with each other. A lot of people say animal communication is a gift, but it is really something everyone can do and re-learn.
What kinds of questions can you ask your animal companion? You can ask common questions like why my cat isn’t always using the litter box, why my dog is going inside the house instead of outside, why they aren’t eating normally, why are they are being withdrawn or extra demanding, how do they feel about changes in the family or routine, or letting them know about a move or upcoming event. And when the inevitable time comes, you can ask your animal companion when and how they want to transition out of their body. A wonderful thing to ask is what’s on their Bucket List. Then spend the precious time left doing those things that bring them joy.
But you can just be curious about a behavior too! For example, you might want to know why your cat doesn’t always cover up her poop? Why doesn’t my dog like to ride in the car? Why does my bird try to bite me when I reach into her cage? Why are they staring at me?!!
It is easy to be skeptical. It is easy to believe there is no way this could work. Or maybe you are afraid of what your animal might say. But what if this does work? What if the session gives you the messages that help? You can’t see how your iPhone works but you taught yourself how to use it, right? Same thing with telepathic communication. You can be taught how to use it and speak a common language with all sentient beings!
My intention as an animal communicator is to be the voice of the animal. I take time with the animal to make them feel comfortable enough to share their thoughts and feelings with you. I will also give any practical tips that may help based on my experience with my own animals as well as other clients. Another great spot to peruse is the Animal Resources page. Explore the free audios, free videos, recommended products, and recommended readings collected there.
If you have any other questions, please contact me. Email or text is best for the quickest response. You are welcome to leave a voicemail message but it can take a few days for me to return a call.
Please note: An intuitive consultation is not a substitute for professional medical care and diagnosis from a qualified medical practitioner. I can only deliver messages from the animal and tell you about resources that may be helpful. In an emergency, please consult your veterinarian.
By appointment only. Weekday and weekend appointments available from 10am CT – 4:30pm CT. No evenings. Choose a session and the online scheduler will show available time slots for Mondays and Thursdays. If you need another day or time, please email me and we will find a time that works for everyone. I am in the United States Central Time zone (Chicago). If you need a time zone clock, click here.
Before purchasing a session, please see the ETHICAL STANDARDS below and read the FAQs here.
Please allow 24–48 hours for an initial response to your request.
Animal Communication Sessions
Gift Certificates
Reiki Sessions
Learn Animal Communication One-on-One
I honor and respect every animal without expectation, judgment, or bias. I cannot guarantee 100% accuracy, but I prepare for each session with meditation to maintain clarity. If I am not getting a clear message, I will tell you that.
I will not communicate with an animal that you are not the caregiver or guardian for. It is not fair to communicate with them if you cannot honor their messages or fulfill their requests. To honor any messages of pain or unhappiness, we must be able to act on their messages. I understand you may want to express your love or concern. You can do that through your thoughts, prayers, or meditations.
In addition to that, I honor the Code of Ethics set by Penelope Smith in 1990:
You will also find a list of “10 Things You Need to Know Before Hiring an Animal Communicator” and a directory of animal communicators throughout the world.
I honor the lineage of Reiki practitioners that have come before me: Master Usui, Hayashi, Takata, Ray, Cash, Behringer, Moravec.
Canceled or missed appointments:
There is a $35 fee for sessions cancelled with less than 24 hours notice. Missed appointments (no call/no show) are charged at the scheduled session rate since the session time could not be rebooked.